Now a days we see most of the people in a relationship and there’s nothing bad in that. Being with a person who completely understands you, supports you and always there for you that feeling is great. But make sure you are in relationship with a person who understands you, respects you and knows that you too have your individual life. Do not be in a toxic relationship where you are always doubted rather be in one that helps you grow. When it comes about relationships the partners are concerned about themselves which is fine but sometimes that concern turns into possessiveness and that’s not good at all. There is a thin line between getting jealous and being possessive. You are in a relation that doesn’t mean you will start putting restrictions on your partner regarding with whom to talk and what to do and what not to do. Every individual have his/her life and are free to do whatever they want but if you think that person has wrong intentions about your partner at that time you tell him/her to stay away from that person but just because of your insecurity if you are telling your partner to stay away from friends that’s completely wrong.
Ever individual is different and so you are. You know how you want to be treated and you know the things you like and dislike so choose person wisely. Suppose you are introvert or a person who don’t talk much and your partner is complete opposite of you so you just can’t force your partner to stop talking with others. So now your partner is extroverted so he/she will talk with the person of opposite gender and you should be totally fine with that. You should not try to change their behavior.
These days social media has worsen the things. It is used to spy on each other; with whom your partner talks, is he/she online and if yes then why he/she is not talking to me or if your partner puts a picture with a person of opposite gender or if you are standing close to a person of opposite gender then they becomes vulnerable and that should not happen. Another thing that happens is couples share their passwords with each other due to lack of faith and trust. I know this is a generation with full of selfish people and it is hard to trust people but you are in relation with that person means you found something different in that person; trust and faith are pillars of any relationship. So if you don’t have trust on your partner the relationship will surely be unsuccessful. Now if you know that your partner likes another girl/boy and there is a chance that he might breakup with you then there is no point in holding a relation. If the person if seriously into you he/she will stay with you, no matter where they go, with whom they go if your partner is loyal he/she is going to return no matter what happens. Just be true to each other and don’t doubt.
Don’t hide things from your partner and if you do then it’s pretty obvious that your partner will doubt on you. Possessiveness is harmful mentally as well as physically so do trust your partners and don’t stick in a harmful relationship. You never know when relationship can turn into relationsh*t so love your partner but make sure it’s not blind.