Love is not a thing or emotion but it is a feeling that everyone craves for. Love has different forms and everyone have different ways to show their love. Apart from our parents the other purest form of love we get is from our pets. The title must have made clear that today I am talking about canine and most of you must have experienced Dog’s love. There might be some people who don’t like Dogs and might be reading this so I would suggest them to read it as it might change your view towards them.

Every one of us must have heard that it is great to have pets specially a Dog. A Dog is not just kept in a house to avoid theft but Dogs are great companions to the people who are lonely, don’t socialize much, empty nesters, lost human companion. They comfort us and improve our mood. Spending time with them dramatically changes our mood and helps you release stress. You feel happy being around them. It takes no time to get attached to them and then your life will start revolving around them and you will start spending more time with your dog than any human. Spending time with them makes you as well as the dog happy. There is a joy to play with them, running after them which eventually keep you healthy. Things change once you get attached to them; seeing them cry or hurt brings tears in your eyes too.

I was a person who didn’t like animals, it’s not that I hate them but I don’t like when they came close to me. Most of the time I used to get scared when they used to came close to smell. I used to feed the street dogs around my house but I didn’t like when they came close. Opposite to me were my friends and my sister who used to love Dogs. They always used to talk about different incidents and how they used to get excited when they saw Dogs. But you know what situation change, people change and I am here writing about dogs. Many people have asked me to write about dogs or pets but I never thought that it would be this soon. Everyone has fear in mind that dogs always seem dangerous as they might bite us but the truth is they don’t hurt us unless we trouble them. They express love in different ways- they get excited when they see their favorite human and run towards them; much similar like human beings. A few months back we got a pet as my sister insisted too much to get her a dog. Initially I was scared him as I used to fear dogs but as time passed the fear got out of my mind. Then I started to play with him, let him jump on me and then that fear for him turned into love.
The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog.